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மெட்ரோ இரயில்வண்டி பயணச்சீட்டு விதிகள், 2014
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ஒப்பந்தப் புள்ளிகள்
EOI Tender
Tender No: CMRL/CP/TDR-38-CS/2025 - "Expression of Interest (EOI) for shortlisting the prospective Consultants to conduct feasibility studies and to submit the Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for the High-Altitude Transport System in Mamallapuram, Udhagamandalam and Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu"
NIT Tender
NIT.No:CMRL/SYS/RS/Stores/463/2025 - Invitation of quotation for Supply of Diesel for Rolling Stock Depot Machine for 2 years
NIT.No:CMRL/SYS/RS/Stores/463/2025 - Invitation of quotation for Supply of Diesel for Rolling Stock Depot Machine for 2 years
NIT Tender
Tender No:CMRL/CP/TDR-37-CS/2025 - "Consultancy Assignment to Prepare a Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for the Coimbatore-Tirupur-Erode-Salem Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) Corridor"
NIT Tender
Tender No:CMRL/CP/TDR-36-CS/2025 - “Consultancy Assignment to Prepare a Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for the Chennai-Kanchipuram-Vellore Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) Corridor”.
NIT Tender
Tender No:CMRL/CP/TDR-35-CS/2025 - "Consultancy Assignment to Prepare a Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for the Chennai-Chengalpattu-Tindivanam-Villupuram Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) Corridor"
NIT Tender
Tender No:CMRL/CP/TDR-34-CS/2025 - "Consultancy Assignment for the Preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for introducing Mass Rapid Transit System from Tambaram to Guindy via Velachery as a part of Chennai Metro Rail Limited Network"
NIT Tender
Tender No:CMRL/CP/TDR-33-CS/2025 - “Consultancy Assignment for Preparing a Detailed Project Report (DPR) to introduce a Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) from Lighthouse to High Court via Secretariat as an Extension of Phase–II of the Chennai Metro Rail Network"
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/PHASE-II/SYS/C3-E&M-07/2025 - “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of Electrical, Fire alarm and Detection, Fire Fighting, VAC and BMS Works for Nine Elevated Stations from Sholinganallur lake to SIPCOT 2 station including stabling lines, Viaduct between the stations (CH: 35044.000 to 44671.000) for Corridor- 3 Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase II
NIT Tender
Bid No: GEM/2025/B/6010569 - Consultancy Assignment for Independent Safety Audit to Enchance the Compliance with Safety Procedures in Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) Phase-2 Civil & Tracks Projects - Section - A - Reg
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/Civil Maintenance/RW-01/2025 “Repair Works at Koyambedu Depot and other Metro Stations”.
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/PH-II/CON/27/C4-ECV01&02/MW-01 - Construction of Entry/Exit Structures Closure, Civil Works for Additional Escalators, Supply & Installation of Fixed Glass Panel at Platform Level for Corridor-04 Elevated Stations of Chennai Metro Rail Project – Phase-2
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/TDR-CON-32/C4-DPT-01-BW-04/2025- “Land Scaping/ Horticulture Works including related Civil, Electrical, Irrigation and Associated works at Poonamallee Depot”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/TDR-CON-30/C4-DPT-01-BW-03/2025- “Construction of Foot Over Bridge (FOB) Over stabling Bay Shed including closure of Admin Building Courtyard Roof and other allied works at Poonamallle Depot”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/CON-31/MTC-TVR/2025 - "Design and Redevelopment of Bus depot & facilities at Tiruvottiyur for Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) as part of Multi-modal integration of CMRL Phase-I Extension Project"
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/METROS/ZT-01/2024. “Civil Maintenance of METROS Complex including the officers Quarters at Nandanam and External painting of the Quarters”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL-RSP-002-2024 (under JICA loan agreement ID-P258)- “Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of of Anti Drag Feature/System in all the saloon doors of 52 trains of CMRL Phase-1”.
Tender No: CMRL-RSP-002-2024- “Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Anti Drag Feature/System in all the saloon doors of 52 trains of CMRL Phase-1”
Tender No: CMRL-RSP-002-2024- “Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Anti Drag Feature/System in all the saloon doors of 52 trains of CMRL Phase-1”
Pre Bid
Tender No: CMRL-RSP-002-2024- “Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Anti Drag Feature/System in all the saloon doors of 52 trains of CMRL Phase-1”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/P&D/CON/MMFC-KR-04R/29/2025: “Design and Construction of Civil, Structural, Architecture, MEP, VAC, Lifts, Escalators, Landscaping and Associated Works for Integrated Development of Multimodal Facility Complex with Kuralagam at Broadway, Chennai”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/CON/HW/I&M/28/2025: "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Instrumentation works of existing Tunnel and UG Metro stations between Saidapet & Teynampet and Monitoring with automatic data acquisition software”
NIT Tender
Bid No.GEM/2024/B/5762479-Consultancy assignment to update the CMRL Tender Procedure Manual-Reg
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/SWC-01/2024 “Design, Supply, Fabrication and Installation of Fixed structural Glazing with Toughened Laminated Glass and Aluminium Louvers on the Side openings for the following stations (Wimco Nagar, Thiruvottiyur, Thiruvottiyur Theradi, Kaladipet, Tollgate, and New Washermenpet) for CMRL Phase-I Extension stations.
NIT Tender
NIT.No: CMRL/SYS/RS/Stores/353/2024: Invitation of quotation for Septagon key Modification Work for Rolling Stock Door Isolation
NIT Tender
NIT Tender
CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/CS/TDR-26/HG-01R/2024 – “Engagement of Consultant for Review and Recommendations of Design Drawings/Documents of 15 no's Phase II Metro stations as per the Harmonized Guidelines and Standards for Universal Accessibility to Create a barrier free environment within the station premises”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/CM/EC/VIADUCT & PIER/02/2024. “Comprehensive Maintenance of elevated structures for Corridor 1 (From Airport to Little Mount Ramp and New Washermenpet Ramp to Wimco Nagar Depot) and Corridor 2: From Koyambedu ramp to St. Thomas Mount of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I and Phase I Extension”.
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/CON/PHASE-II/CORR-4-C4-E&M-06 - “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection works for 8 Underground Stations from Light House Metro to Kodambakkam Metro including Bored Tunnel between Stations, Cut & Cover Box, U Section and Ramp (Chainage 0 -173 M To 9+949 M) for Corridor- 4 Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase II”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/SGF-01/2024. “Supply and Installation of Safety Gap Fillers at passenger door locations in both upline & downline platforms and other associated works at required locations in Phase – I & Phase – I Extension stations of CMRL”
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/FB-01/2024. “Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Flood Barriers and other associated civil works in Phase – I & Phase – I Extension of CMRL”
NIT Tender
Tender No: PHASE-II/CORR-3/CP11B-C3-E&M-02 - “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training of Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection and VAC Works for 9 Underground stations and 10 Elevated stations from RK Salai Station to Sholinganallur Station including Bored tunnel & Viaduct between the stations, Cut & Cover tunnel, U section and Elevated ramp (CH. 17250.000 to CH. 35437.030) for Corridor-3 of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase II"
NIT Tender
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/PPD/TDR-CON-23/2024 - "Design & Construction of RCC framed structure covering open transformer area at Alandur RSS (including civil, MEP & misc. Works"
NIT Tender
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/TDR-CON-25/2024 - "Design & Construction of Architectural, Structural, MEP Works, including Signage, Landscaping, Horticulture, and Miscellaneous Works for the Open Space Reservation (OSR) Land at Metros, Nandanam, Chennai"
NIT Tender
Tender No: CP33/C3-VAC&TVS-02: Design verification & validation, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning (Including system Acceptance Testing, Integrated testing & Commissioning and Operational Acceptance), Supply of spares & special tools, Two years Defect Liability Period(DLP), Five years Comprehensive Annual Maintenance(CAMC) along with Operation and Maintenance for a complete integrated underground stations Air Conditioning system (VAC) and Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS) along with Electrical and Integrated SCADA works for 16 Underground stations in Corridor-03 from KMC station to Taramani Road Junction station including Tunnel and Ramp sections between the stations.
Corrigendum No. 2 for extension of due dates for the Tender No: CP33/C3-VAC&TVS-02-Design verification & validation, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning (Including system Acceptance Testing, Integrated testing & Commissioning and Operational Acceptance), Supply of spares & special tools, Two years Defect Liability Period, Five years Comprehensive Annual Maintenance along with Operation and Maintenance for a complete integrated underground stations Air Conditioning system (VAC) and Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS) along with Electrical and Integrated SCADA works for 16 underground stations in Corridor-03 from KMC station to Taramani road junction station including Tunnel and Ramp sections between the station.
NIT Tender
Tender No: CP32/C5&3-VAC&TVS-01: Design Verification & Validation, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning (Including System Acceptance Testing, Integrated Testing & Commissioning and Operational Acceptance), Supply of Spares & Special Tools, Two years Defect Liability Period (DLP), Five years Comprehensive Annual Maintenance (CAMC) along with Operation and Maintenance for a complete integrated underground stations Air Conditioning System (VAC) and Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS) along with Electrical and Integrated SCADA Works at each station level Including Integration at OCC level and also SCADA integration between the two packages (CP32/C5&3- VAC&TVS-01 And CP33/C3-VAC&TVS-02) for 6 Underground Stations in Corridor-05 from Nathamuni Station to Kolathur Station, Venugopal Nagar Station and Associated Tunnels and Ramps between the Stations and For 12 Underground Stations in Corridor-03 from Madhavaram Milk Colony Station to Kellys Junction Station Including Tunnel and Ramp Sections between the Stations.
Corrigendum No. 2 for extension of due dates for the Tender No: CP32/C5&3-VAC&TVS-01: Design Verification & Validation, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning (Including System Acceptance Testing, Integrated Testing & Commissioning and Operational Acceptance), Supply of Spares & Special Tools, Two years Defect Liability Period (DLP), Five years Comprehensive Annual Maintenance (CAMC) along with Operation and Maintenance for a complete integrated underground stations Air Conditioning System (VAC) and Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS) along with Electrical and Integrated SCADA Works at each station level Including Integration at OCC level and also SCADA integration between the two packages (CP32/C5&3- VAC&TVS01 And CP33/C3-VAC&TVS-02) for 6 Underground Stations in Corridor-05 from Nathamuni Station to Kolathur Station, Venugopal Nagar Station and Associated Tunnels and Ramps between the Stations and For 12 Underground Stations in Corridor-03 from Madhavaram Milk Colony Station to Kellys Junction Station Including Tunnel and Ramp Sections between the Stations
NIT Tender
Tender No.: CMRL/P&D/CS/TDR-DPR-24/2024 - "Preparation of Detail Project Report, Feasibility study, Market analysis, Transactional advice, Concept plans, Land use report etc including submission of documents to CMDA/GCC for approval, preparation of Cost Estimate and Tender Documents for property development at MVN Nagar in Thirumangalam ,Nandanam and Thousand Lights”
NIT Tender
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/PP&D/TDR-CON-22/2024 - “Design & Construction of a G+1 Government School Building near Okkiyam Thoraipakkkam (Including Civil, Electrical, Plumbing and Misc Works)”
NIT Tender
Tender No.: CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/CS/TDR-21/SG-01/2024– “Consultancy Services for the upgradation of Phase I metro: Graphical guidelines, for the implementation in Phase II Metro"
NIT Tender
Tender No.:CMRL/PHASE-II/P&D/CS/TDR-20/HG-01/ /2024– “Engagement of Consultant for Review and Recommendations of Design Drawings/Documents of 15 no’s Phase II Metro stations as per the Harmonized Guidelines and Standards for Universal Accessibility to create a barrier free environment within the station premises"
NIT Tender
KOYEMBEDU DEPOT 25 KV AC Over Head Equipment Modification for new AUTOWASH LINE NIT
Corrigendum No. 10 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 "Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)"
Corrigendum No. 08 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 "Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)"
Corrigendum No. 07 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)
Corrigendum No. 06 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)
Corrigendum No. 04 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
Corrigendum No. 05 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
Corrigendum No. 03 To Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
Addendum No. 03 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 "Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)"
Addendum No. 02 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
Addendum No. 01 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
Pre Bid
Reply to Bidder's Queries Set-3 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 "Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)"
Reply to Bidder’s Queries No.02 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
Reply to Bidder’s Queries No.01 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ARE04A/2024 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units)”
NIT Tender
TENDER No. CMRL/Track/O&M/2024 - Tender For Supply & Installation of Standard Gauge Tracks including all associated works in CMRL Koyambedu Depot.
NIT Tender
NIT No. CMRL/PHASE–II/O&M /000/2024: for the Selection of the “Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Contractor for Chennai Metro Rail Phase II -Corridor-3 ((Madhavaram Milk Colony to Siruseri SIPCOT-II Metro), Corridor- 4 (Lighthouse to Poonamallee Bypass) and Corridor-5 (Madhavaram Milk Colony to Sholinganallur), including Maintenance Depots at Madhavaram, Poonamallee & Semmancheri”.
NIT Tender
NIT No: CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/C4-ASA10A/2024 "Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Platform Screen Doors for CMRL Phase II – Light House Metro to Alapakkam Metro of Corridor 4"
NIT Tender
Tender cum auction for Licensing of Advertisement Rights on Piers & Portals along the Corridor I & II of Phase 1 & it’s extension in CMRL Network - Packages (V, VIII, IX & X) on rolling basis
NIT Tender
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/FMS CIVIL-01/2024. “Provision of Facility Management Services (FMS) for Monitoring and Maintaining the Integrity of Civil Structures such as Viaducts, Tunnels, Station Buildings and other associated constructions in Phase - I & Phase - I Extension of CMRL”
Addendum No. 01 to Tender No. CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/FMS CIVIL-01/2024 "Provision of Facility Management Services (FMS) for Monitoring and Maintaining the Integrity of Civil Structures such as Viaducts, Tunnels, Station Buildings and other associated constructions in Phase - I & Phase - I Extension of CMRL"
Pre Bid
Reply to Bidder's Query to Tender No. CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/FMS CIVIL-01/2024 "Provision of Facility Management Services (FMS) for Monitoring and Maintaining the Integrity of Civil Structures such as Viaducts, Tunnels, Station Buildings and other associated constructions in Phase - I & Phase - I Extension of CMRL"
NIT Tender
IFB for e-Tender No: CP14-C5-AES03-ESC (Lumpsum tender) (Under JICA Loan Agreement ID-P 272) “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy Duty Escalators for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations)”
IFB for e-Tender No: CP14-C5-AES03-ESC (Lumpsum tender) (Under JICA Loan Agreement ID-P 272) “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy Duty Escalators for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations)”
Pre Bid
Pre-bid Meeting Invitation to Tender No: CP14-C5-AES03-ESC (Lumpsum tender) (Under JICA Loan Agreement ID-P 272) “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy Duty Escalators for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations)”
NIT Tender
Design, Development, Testing and Implementation of Web & Mobile Application for Digitalisation of Registers, Workflow , Processes and Reports in CMRL Operations Department, including Training and necessary software, hardware, equipments/ consumables and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for both Software and hardware deliverables of the contract for 5 years.” through CPP portal(e-NIT No: CMRL-OPN 06-Operation Digitalisation-2024)
NIT Tender
Supply and laying of electrical cables on viaduct of CMRL Metro corridors to power the advertisement hoardings on the piers.
NIT Tender
IFB for e-Tender No: CP13-C3-AES02-ESC (Lumpsum tender) “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Escalators and Travelators for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro stations)”
Tender No: CP13-C3-AES02-ESC (Lumpsum tender) (Under JICA Loan Agreement ID-P 272) “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of Heavy Duty Escalators and Travelators for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro stations)”
NIT Tender
NIT No: CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/C0-AFA05/2024 “Selection of Financial Institution (FI) for Issuance of National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) and Acquiring Services for Chennai Metro”
Corrigendum No.7 to Tender No. CP24/ASA09 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Half Height Platform Screen Doors For Corridor 3 (Nehru Nagar Metro to Sholinganallur Metro) and Corridor 5 [Assissi Nagar Metro to Koyambedu Metro (only elevated stations)] of CMRL Phase-II”
Corrigendum No.11 To Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ CP26/ARE02A/2023″Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units) And Depot Machinery & Plant”
Corrigendum No.10 To Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ CP26/ARE02A/2023 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units) And Depot Machinery & Plant”
Corrigendum No.03 to Tender No. CMRL-RSP-001-2024 “Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of LED backlit LCD based Dynamic Route Map Display in 52 trains of CMRL phase-1 section."
Corrigendum No.09 to Tender No. CMRL/PHASE–II/SYS/ CP26/ARE02A/2023 “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Commissioning, Training Of Personnel And Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Fifteen (15) Years Of Standard Gauge Metro Rolling Stock (Electrical Multiple Units) And Depot Machinery & Plant”
NIT Tender
IFB for e-Tender No: CP15-C3&5-AES06-LFT (Lumpsum tender) – “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Machine Room Less Lifts for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro) & Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations including Madhavaram Depot)”
IFB for e-Tender No: CP15-C3&5-AES06-LFT (Lumpsum tender) – “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Machine Room Less Lifts for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro) & Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations including Madhavaram Depot)”
IFB for e-Tender No: CP15-C3&5-AES06-LFT (Lumpsum tender) – “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Machine Room Less Lifts for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro) & Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations including Madhavaram Depot)
IFB for e-Tender No: CP15-C3&5-AES06-LFT (Lumpsum tender) – “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning of Heavy-Duty Machine Room Less Lifts for CMRL Phase II – Corridor 3 (From Madhavaram Milk Colony Metro to Sholinganallur Metro) & Corridor 5 (From Madhavaram Depot Metro to Koyambedu Metro stations including Madhavaram Depot)
NIT Tender
Phase-1 OHE Sectioning Modification NIT.
விரைவு இணைப்புகள்
இணைய வழி ஒப்பந்த அறிவிப்புகள் – CPP இணையதளம்
இணைய வழி ஒப்பந்த அறிப்புகள் – CPP MDB
இணைய வழி ஒப்பந்தப் பதிவேடு / விண்ணப்பிக்க – CPP இணையதளம்
ஒப்பந்தப்புள்ளிகள் கோரும் அறிவிப்பு – திட்டம்
ஒப்பந்தப்புள்ளிகள் கோரும் அறிவிப்பு – O & M
வழங்கப்பட்ட ஒப்பந்தப்புள்ளிகள்
GeM கொள்முதல்
ஆண்டு கொள்முதல் திட்டங்கள்