Vehicles from EVR Periyar Salai (Aminjikarai) towards Purasaiwakkam diverted left turn to Vasu Street, take right turn to Raja rathinam Street, move ahead to Barnaby road to reach their destination.
Vehicles from Chetpet towards Purasaiwakkam are allowed to go straight to Vasu Street, take right turn to Raja rathinam Street, move ahead to Barnaby road to reach their destination.
Vehicle from EVR Periyar Salai & Chetpet towards Central & vice versa will ply as usual.
Vehicles from EVR Periyar Salai (Central) towards Purasaiwakkam are allowed to move ahead take U-turn at Taylor’s Road junction, take left turn to Vasu Street, take right turn to Raja rathinam Street, move ahead to Barnaby road to reach their destination.
Vehicles coming from Purasaiwakkam towards Central will take left turn at Raja Rathinam Street / Barnaby road, take right turn to Flowers Road, take left turn to EVR Periyar Salai to reach the destination.
Vehicles coming from Purasaiwakkam towards Aminjikarai/Chetpet will take left turn at Raja Rathinam Street / Barnaby road, take right turn to Flowers Road, take left turn to EVR Periyar Salai, take U-turn at Gengu Reddy junction to reach the destination.
Vasu Street, Rajarathinam Street will be made as one way.